Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Swim Clinic Update

Due to a scheduling conflict, the Dec 27th clinic will now be coached by Canadian Olympic swimmer Tanya Hunks.  Her bio can be found at:

Details of the event remain the same (see below) and we are excited to have Tanya visit our pool!

The session is open to all active members of the Ancaster Masters Swim Club and the Ancaster Alligators Swim Club. Details of the date and times are below. Registration is limited to the first 24 members who sign up.

Date and time: Thursday, December 27, 2012 from 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Schedule: Warm up: 3:45 to 4:00. Coaching session: 4:00-5:00. Warm down: 5:00-5:15
Location: Ancaster Aquatic Center
Cost is $15. Cash or cheque payable to Ancaster Masters Swim Club
To sign up: Send an email with full name to ancasterswimwithjulia@gmail.com Confirmation will be sent in a reply email.

Questions? Please email ancasterswimwithjulia@gmail.com


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