Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Announcing Planned Launch of AAST Masters Morning Club Fall 2022


As you may know the Ancaster Masters Swim Club (AMSC) morning division at MacNab Recreation Centre folded in March 2020 during COVID’s first strike.  The evening masters group has since resumed swimming, but is now affiliated with the Ancaster Alligators Swim Team (AAST), a registered Swim Ontario club.  The evening club is full (24 members) with a healthy waiting list.

 We are now in the process of hiring an enthusiastic new NCCP certified coach and securing pool time at MacNab to launch the Morning Division of AAST Masters…  Details are falling into place!

Practices are to be Tuesday and Thursday mornings at MacNab at approximately 6:30 – 7:30 am (exact time TBA).

The cost for the fall 2022 swim season running September 20th  – December 20th  (exact dates TBA)  is estimated to be between $250 and $300 per person (Including your mandatory $35 Swim Ontario annual membership fee). The final amount will depend on the number of enrolled members..

The actual swim practices will look very much like our morning swims in the past: The coach will plan and supervise a warm up, main set and cool down.  Stroke correction and drills are usually part of our workouts. Note that this is not a learn to swim program; it is more of a swim for exercise/fitness and learn to swim BETTER program!

 Members are encouraged to attend as many of the practices as possible to get the full benefit of the training.  However, we understand that work and other life commitments may not allow for full attendance.  We also expect you to stay home from the pool if you are unwell. Much like buying a membership to a fitness club, you are purchasing the access to the training and there is no price reduction if you do not attend all the training, nor if you stop attending entirely during the term of the membership.

We are still in the final planning stages; the club is not 100% confirmed.  We need to gauge the interest to be sure it is financially feasible to run the club.

Question:  Are you interested in this morning club?  Please send an email to the address below  ASAP so I can put your name on the list as someone who wants to join.  We want to get this group going!

Hint: the morning club is often a good segue into the evening club when a space becomes available.

 Feel free to ask any questions… And please spread the word to anyone who might be interested.Ancaster Alligators Swim Team (Masters)


You can find more info about AAST here (It is being edited to include more Masters details):


Thursday, November 18, 2021

For more information...

 Our swim club is now operating as an "over 18" Masters division within the Ancaster Alligators Swim Team.

We are currently full and are not accepting new members at this time.  For more information or if you are interested in being placed on the waiting list please contact:

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Also... "Please Hold..."

 Past members who indicated interest in a fall session will be emailed when details are finalized.

Thanks for your patience!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Fall 2021 Club Update

AMSC is embarking on a trial venture with the Ancaster Alligators Swim Team by forming an adult (over 18) division of their club!   The union will hopefully provide many synergies and help to foster and encourage lifelong swimming in our community. This is planned to be a one year experimental project with a long term future if the trial proves to be successful.  At this time there is no plan for the two groups to swim or train at the same time in the pool; our swim times will be separate but will run back to back.

Our affiliation is now with Swim Ontario instead of Masters Swimming Ontario.

At this time membership preference will be given to past members of AMSC.  As facility regulations permit we MAY be able to add new members.

In the meantime, many local pools are offering length swims. 




Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Fall 2021 Club Update for New Members

 Ancaster Masters Swim Club will not be accepting any new members at this time as we work out our plans for the fall session.

Sorry for any disappointment.

Anyone can start a NEW swim club that might better serve their needs and offer new swim opportunities for area swimmers.  For information contact either MSO or Swim Ontario