Sunday, September 11, 2011

Anyone Want to Start a New Swim Club in This Area??

The Ancaster Masters Swim Club is currently full and we have a very long waiting list.
Does anyone out there want to start a new club? There is definitely enough interest in the area to support a new group. It is not much work to organize a club: rent pool time at any pool you like (The City of Hamilton has lots of pools to choose from), register your club with Masters Swimming Ontario ($45 per year per club), register your swimmers with MSO ($35 per swimmer), hire a coach if you like and get in the water! I have a whole list of interested people who you could contact to see if they want to join; I would be happy to help you set up a club. Send me an e-mail at the contact listed on the right.
Think about it - The area needs more swim clubs!

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