Thursday, February 27, 2020

AMSC Member Help Wanted for Athlete Study...

Our club has been approached by a group doing a Masters Athlete Coaching Study...Here is a brief description:

" Currently, there are few resources available for Masters coaches that inform how to meet the needs of their adult athletes. As such, our research team from Cape Breton University, the University of Ottawa, and the University of Lethbridge, has launched a large-scale research initiative to better understand how coaches or instructors can impact the sport experience of Masters athletes. We are currently conducting a study that requires data from both Masters athletes and coaches of Masters athletes. If you are interested in our study, we would greatly appreciate your participation.  Masters coaches and Masters athletes will be asked to complete an online survey at two time points (i.e., approximately 8 weeks apart). By completing the second survey, we will gain an understanding of how your experiences in your primary Masters sport have changed over time."

Our coach has agreed to participate and now we need swimmers from our club to take part.  If you would like more information about the study, please let me know and I will send you more info as well as the link to the survey in case you would like to go ahead.  The time commitment in about 15 minutes for the survey and the questions do not require any writing - just checking off boxes!
If you would like to take part, please just email me saying “Yes to the Study!” and I will email you the info to get you started.

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